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Criminal Defense in Destruction of Property Cases

If you are facing charges of malicious destruction of property in Glen Burnie, MD, solicit representation from the Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill, which can prepare a reasoned legal defense against the charges to help clear your name and absolve you of all infractions. If a jury or court convicts you of the charges, you may have to pay hefty fines or serve jail time. With your freedom on the line, utilize every resource possible to achieve an outcome in your favor. Contact the Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill today to learn more.

Suburban House

Understanding Malicious Destruction of Property

A charge of malicious destruction of property in Maryland implies the accused willfully destroyed, injured, defaced, or devalued another person’s property. A critical factor in your defense will involve the intent. It is not enough to merely show that you destroyed the property. The state must prove you did so knowingly and maliciously. Punishments for the crime vary based on the property’s value. However, convictions are punishable by up to three years in prison and a fine of up to $2,500.

Determining an Appropriate Defense in Your Case

Because malicious destruction of property relies on a jury or a judge to find that the accused intentionally destroyed someone else’s property, there are several possible defenses against such charges. The Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill will consult with you before going to trial to understand the details of your case and determine the appropriate defense for your circumstances. Whether you did not destroy the property in question or did so negligently rather than maliciously, Mr. O’Neill will argue on your behalf in court to help exonerate you of all charges.

Contact the Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill Today

Do not risk paying hefty fines or serving jail time for a crime you did not commit. If you are accused of malicious destruction of property in Glen Burnie, MD, seek counsel from the Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill. With decades’ worth of experience defending property destruction cases, Mr. O’Neill can help you beat the charges. Call today for a case evaluation and consultation.

Contact the Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill Today for a Free Consultation