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Drug Offenses Glen Burnie, MD | Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill

Drug offenses in Maryland are punishable by hefty fines and significant jail time, depending on the charge. But just because law enforcement authorities charged you with criminal drug activity does not mean you are without hope. The Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill has decades’ worth of experience defending Maryland residents facing drug charges. If you are at risk of losing your money or freedom over a drug offense, call today for legal advice.

Courthouse facade

Comprehensive Legal Advice in Drug Cases

In addition to proving that you committed the crime with which you are charged, the prosecution must follow legal guidelines that help protect your rights. Mr. O’Neill will sift through the case and investigation, reviewing police reports, witness statements, and the activities that led to your arrest. Armed with the knowledge of your case and after personal meetings with you, the Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill will provide comprehensive legal guidance for your next steps. Mr. O’Neill has successfully defended felony, misdemeanor, and juvenile cases for drug offenses ranging from possession to distribution.

A Criminal Attorney to Help You Understand Your Options

Rather than answering your accuser without assistance, rely on the expertise of the Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill. Mr. O’Neill’s advice goes beyond the scope of pre-trial investigations and courtroom guidance. A careful evaluation of your case and conferences with prosecutors can help you earn the most favorable result. Even if you are responsible for the charges levied against you and choose to plead guilty, Mr. O’Neill can negotiate the terms of your plea bargain. Attempting to conduct such negotiations on your own would be difficult because you would be facing seasoned prosecutors who do not have your best interests at heart. Helping you avoid jail time or mitigating a steep sentence will be the top priority. Call today to discuss your case.

Contact the Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill Today for a Free Consultation