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You Deserve Representation for Sex Crimes Cases

If someone accuses you of a sex crime that you did not commit, seek legal representation from the Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill in Glen Burnie, MD. There is a wide range of sex crimes, including sexual assault, rape, sexual abuse and molestation, prostitution, child pornography, sexual misconduct with minors, indecent exposure, solicitation of a minor for sexual purposes, unnatural and perverted acts, and internet sex crimes. It is important to clear yourself of any such accusations because the consequences can be dire and life-changing. As soon as a case is brought against you, solicit the Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill to begin preparing your defense. Unfortunately, perception can become a reality in sex crimes case. It is essential to act quickly, a sexual crime conviction can lead to a requirement that one registers as a sex offender for life.

Judge holding gavel in courtroom

Trust the Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill with Your Defense

Not only are sex crimes tried in a court of law, but they are also tried in the court of public opinion. They are on a short list of offenses that can prompt an arrest from a simple accusation. And once you are accused of such a crime, it can be challenging to convince others of your innocence. But the Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill has successfully defended clients against cases involving sex crimes. It is challenging to simultaneously convince a jury and the general public that you are not guilty of committing sexually-heinous acts, but evidence in your favor can prove your side of the story. Mr. O’Neill will be clear and direct in your defense, even when cross-examining your accuser in court. You should not be permanently branded as a sex offender if you did not commit the crime. Skilled representation can help clear your name.

Call A Reliable Criminal Attorney in Glen Burnie, MD Today

Maryland has a wide range of sex crimes on the books, all of which have damaging effects on the accused. Whether you have been accused of rape, child pornography, sexual assault, or any other offense, the Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill can successfully defend you against the charges. Call for a consultation and case evaluation today.

Contact the Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill Today for a Free Consultation